This year has been bittersweet as the time for Christmas decorating is happening soon (for me it’s now)!  I decided to get a new little tree and it’s extra special.  I have a lot of making up to do from when the girls were little.  We don’t have any oddly shaped, large, cotton ball or foam or macaroni ornaments from when the kids were little.  I threw them all away! And it’s so sad now because the oldest is going off to college.  Now I wish I had every single one of them.  I teared up at the store in line as I was buying the ornaments for the tree.  (I know that is only going to happen more often as it gets closer to the day she leaves – I’m going to be a mess)! So, here is our new “sentimental tree”.  It still has some tags as I figure out how many ornaments I will need and what fits just right.  I buy a ton and then decide what I like, rule out what doesn’t work, etc…but typically I send up keeping all of them! I still need to fill it with more ornaments and I’m waiting for the cute picture frame ornaments that I can put special photos from years past.  The tree is super sparkly!  I want people to know as soon as they see it that it’s worth a closer look.  From now on, it will be the first Christmas tree I put up every year and I’ll try to add new photos each year.  Here is to new traditions!

November 04, 2021

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